Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Chapter 3: wherein orphan Dan visits the big city and meets the Queen of Fries

So today I met the Queen of Fries. She wernt really my idea of a Queen exactly but she was mighty nice. Lives in a sort of wooden shack down by the wharf in the BIG smoke, Charlottetown, which like I told ya is kind of like Charlotte Bay, Oztraya where I come from only much bigger and with the word Town at the end and not Bay. Apparently some king named it after his wife which is kind of confusing because if his wife is the Queen of Fries then it should in all rights be named after her. Guess "Queenoffriestown" don't sound too good. But if ever a lady deserved a town named after her, then I reckon it's that Queen of Fries. She is sooo friendly, she gives everybody a free hug and has a big sign out the front of her house saying "life is delicious", which I reckon is a lovely sentiment.
She charges for her fries - which she says "are made with love" - but then I guess even a queen's gotta live. Dan of Green Gables had chilli fries and fish in case you're wondering, a combo which she says ain't never been requested before. And you know what? Like life (on PIE) it was simply delicious. You know what else? I had something called jellyauto for dessert, something I ain't never seen in Oztraya. It came from a place with cows plastered all over it, can't remember what it was called. I had a flavour called "Wowie Cowie" and there's no denying it was the greatest taste sensation this poor little orphan boy has had since I last chewed on a raw witchetty grub back home. Oh I do think I am somewhat in heaven here on Prince Edward's island, the sun is shining, they sell lobster flavoured chips and my new parents Isabel and Tasha are just the kindliest a boy could hope for. They've even introduced me to some new friends but I ain't got time to tell ya about them right now.

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