Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Chapter one, an orphan arrives

Why, I do think they were expecting a girl, one with superior drinking skills and a certain je ne sais pas quoi but what they got is little old me, orphan Dan from tiny Charlotte Bay, Oztraya. I think they had rarely seen my like on Prince Edward Island or PIE as they call it locally. Rough of hair and sweet of tooth, I'd brought with me a sack of stinky laundry big enough to sink the Titanic and a stack of preconceptions under which any destination would surely groan. On Prince Edward Island, the sun would shine constantly on fields of wheat running down to a luminescent Gulf of St Lawrence. Apple trees would blossom overhead like a coastal mist. There would be apple pei, pancakes and maple slurp and cawfy at every turn. At the airport the lovely Tasha from PIE tourism questioned authorities: "A boy?". "It's a girl named Anne I've come for," she insisted, "she's finally coming home." I looked as downcast as I could manage, given that I had arrived at one of the most beautiful islands in the world. "Please, miss, I'll be good," I promised, "there won't be any of that galavanting, I'll work hard, eat endless lobster suppers and tell the world about Prince Edward and his island." Tasha's face eventually broke into a grin. "Ok, you can stay," she announced, "but only for the next ten days and only if you wear these orange pig tails ALL the time." How could I not agree and to tell the truth I rather liked the hair extensions. So began the short adventures of Dan of Green Gables on PIE.

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